Tips for designing a professional Speaker 'One Page' (i.e. marketing flier or Speaker Packet)
If you don't have a One Page or Speaker Packet right this moment, that's OK. But know going forward that it's limiting your speaking. ...

Watch me 'in action' for a live, national keynote - virtual
Join me on March 15 for another complimentary, nation-wide keynote webinar. Special thanks and SHOUT OUT to Bank of America and FWLE for...

Complimentary guest ticket ($85 value) for upcoming NSA Carolinas event
As the Vice President of Programming for the National Speakers Association Carolinas Chapter, I have 5 complimentary tickets for this...

3 questions I ask myself after every speech
Every time I speak, I ask myself 3 very important questions which have helped me continually learn and grow my speaking business:

Speaking Professionally Toastmasters meets next week! Join us!
The absolute #1 way to increase your speaking business is to have a great speech. Nothing else really matters if your speech needs work....

Two upcoming keynotes where you can join me
Join me for either upcoming keynote program and watch 'in action' ... one of the best ways to discover your own speaking style!

The #1 way to improve your speaking business
The absolute #1 way to increase your speaking business is to have a great speech. Nothing else really matters if your speech needs work....

Ever doubt yourself? Read how walk-on QB Stetson Bennett led Georgia to become National Champs 🔥
I love a good achievement story. I love the leadership lessons behind that achievement even more. Those lessons "earned" frequently help...

Request a guest pass for Speaking Professionally Toastmasters
So how do you improve your speaking business first and foremost? You have a proven and tested great speech! This is why SPT exists!

Free Amazon copy of "PAID to $PEAK!"
Download your free copy of my book which outlines my system and framework showing you how to earn $2.500+ per speech!