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Coaching Options
1:1 Coaching Options
Group Coaching 5-Week Challenge
Virtual Studio and Tech Coaching
Mentorship Program
TEDx Speaker Coaching
Speciality Programs
Ultimate Speaker Package
"The Vault"
Speaker Mastermind Group
Speaking Professionally Toastmasters
Online Trainings
PAID to $PEAK Online Course
PAID to $PEAK Webinar Series
#1 Book!
Print book details: PAID to $PEAK
Online Course details: PAID to $PEAK
FREE Module Worksheets
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[NEW!] TEDx coaching program with a GUARANTEE to get you on the TEDx stage!
[NEW!] TEDx coaching program with a GUARANTEE to get you on the TEDx stage! That's right ... after last week's webinar + my recent TEDx...
Recent Posts
small things make a BIG difference: TED, TEDx, TedX, Tedex and TEDex!
If you're not speaking for FREE, you will not get the FEE! Here's why ...
Read this if you are speaking at a conference! Tips to ensure spin-off business and that PAID referrals follow! 🔥
Talkadot and How I Use It in Every Speech!
How to get FREE professional photos of you speaking? 🔥
Lessons AFFIRMED from receiving a $7,500 speaking engagement 🔥
How I just lost a $7,500 speaking engagement 🔥
Watch this keynote introduction! I control how I am introduced because it sets the energy tone for my speech opening!
My #1 takeaway from the National Speakers Association Conference, Toastmasters International Convention, and More! 🔥
(I've done this 100+ times!) What to do when submitting Call for Speakers, Call for Programs and RFPs 🔥
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