When I first started speaking,
... I had no community with other like-minded speakers
... I had no 1:1 mentors I could talk to
... no speaking leads
... no one to help hold me accountable
... no peer support network to bounce ideas on and get feedback
... I had no one sending me complimentary trainings
... no one sharing me behind-the-scenes info with meeting planners
As a member of the Speaker Mastermind Group, you receive all the above.
Looking back, if I had a network with other speakers and access to resources that would guide me, I wouldn’t have floundered and struggled like I did for the first several years. Luckily I made it through but most speakers don't, Speaking is quite difficult until you break through. Before then, it can be lonely, isolating, full of doubt, and just challenging.

As a member of my Speaker Mastermind Group, you'll receive:
Quarterly LIVE Q & A group session with Kevin + recording (Zoom)**
50 SPEAKING LEADS PER MONTH!! (RFP'S and Call for Speakers)
Membership in a private Facebook community
Community with other like-minded speakers to connect
Ability to request feedback and create accountability/support groups
Behind-the-scenes communications between Kevin and meeting planners
… and more! It's truly what you make of it.
** Priority to questions submitted in advance! 90 minute group Q&A.
Can't attend? OK! Recording posted inside Facebook community.

How much / how to join? ​
Complimentary for Kevin's coaching clients (click here to explore programs)
Monthly | $50 (Click here to purchase monthly option - cancel any time)
Annual | $475 (Click here to purchase annual discount option - cancel any time)
* Important note: Q&A + webinars are all hosted through Zoom. Recordings, group engagement and announcements will be hosted on a private Facebook page. You will need a Facebook page to access this information and engage with the group. payments are made through Paypal and automatic. Cancel any time. Don't have/like Paypal? We can take credit card information as well.
After receiving your payment you will receive an invitation to join the Facebook group.
Know someone who should join this group?
Beyond 1:1 and group coaching options, below additional resources to help you build your speaking business. Click images for more information on each program.
You can also schedule a complimentary 1:1 session with me to explore which option is the best fit for you as well as a customized 1:1 coaching program that fits your budget. I do offer installment programs.
Don't have a professional DEMO VIDEO, SPEAKER PACKET, WEBSITE OR BOOK? Let me help.
My Ultimate Speaker Package provides it all for you.