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One way speaking gigs find YOU ...

I am constantly amazed how many paid speaking opportunities that exist for professional speakers.

Every single hour of every single day, an association executive, a meeting planner, a corporate executive, or an educator is seeking a great keynote speaker for their upcoming event ... and they are willing to pay.

Finding speaking opportunities isn't difficult if you know where to look. It's the essence of my book, PAID to SPEAK.

However, finding opportunities requires time and energy ... something we all are limited by.

That is why, in my book I also outline numerous ways speaking gigs can find YOU.

How great would it feel for inquiries and leads to come directly to your phone and email? All you have to do is respond and submit information to the appropriate person.

Here are some examples speaking gigs find you:

1. Google Alerts

2. Thumbtack

3. Gig Salad

4. Speaker agencies / meeting planners

5. Convention Centers and Visitor Bureaus (CVB's)

6. ... (more in my book)

My focus on this post will outline how speaking gigs, leads, and inquiries find YOU through CVB's.

CVB's are partly in business to attract visitors, tourists, and events to their city to generate revenue and impact economic development. The most successful ones are in prime attraction cities.

One goal of a convention center would be to host annual meetings, expos, conferences, and any type of event where hundreds - if not thousands - of people will attend.

Think about it ... who wouldn't want to go Las Vegas for a conference?

The positive economic impact from hosting a conference could be millions of dollars when it is all added up - revenue from hotels, restaurants, shops, etc.

Because CVB's host conferences, they are asked at times by those groups coming to town for recommendations on local speaker talent. This not only saves money for the event organizer because they do not have to fly another speaker in, but it also saves the organizer on travel logistics.

So by connecting with and cultivating relationships with CVB staff, a speaker (i.e. YOU), places themself in a position to be referred.

Also, many CVB's have weekly or monthly newsletters where they list upcoming events coming to town. Below is a sample clip of one newsletter I receive every week:

It takes me 1 minute to review who's coming to town. If it's a group that I feel would be a great fit for me, I reach out to the CVB.

Sometimes the event already has their speaker(s) lined up. In that case, I plant seeds for the following year.

Your call to action is to find the CVB's in your state. Reach out to them and connect. Invite them to your next local speaking gig. Subscribe to their newsletter.

Once you do this, speaking gigs will find you. If it works for me, then it should for you too ...

To your speaking success,


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!


Social media: @ KevinCSnyder

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