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"3 Tips" webinar RECAP through ChatGPT + RECORDING option + SLIDE DECK

We hosted a webinar this past week titled, "3 Tips to Help YOU Launch into Professional Speaking."

Below is a both a recap from ChatGPT AND an option for you to receive the recording + slide deck which I wasn't planning to offer until a charity idea hit me just this morning!

Assessing the webinar through a new tool I'm using called TalkaDot:

  • 100% of attendees found it extremely valuable

  • 100% of attendees want to hear more

  • 100% of attendees found it actionable, relevant, inspiring and engaging

"Amazing insights on becoming a professional speaker, packed with steps that are immediately actionable and encouraging" "Beneficial, worth the time, very pleased... I'm inspired!"

Note: I'll write more about Talkadot and ChatGPT in the coming weeks. I'm hearing a lot of "noise" about ChatGPT and I'm watching speakers use it for inauthentic purposes trying to create shortcuts. There are reasons and ways to use ChatGPT which are smart and efficient though. I will explain, show examples and share my opinion about ChatGPT in a later post.

I've used Talkadot with 5 speaking engagements since learning about it last month. So far it is AWESOME as an assessment tool and lead generation strategy both during and after a presentation. Use this code to get a FREE trial of PRO and a discount!

So for the webinar recap below, check this out. I've never done this before until just now. Here's what I did and it took 5 seconds:

  • I opened my ChatGPT and wrote: "Write a brief recap of my webinar that includes the survey report and 3 testimonials."

  • Then I copied my webinar notes from Word as well as the Talkadot survey and then simply pasted both underneath the ChatGPT instructions.

Here's what ChatGPT spit back out to me:

On March 15, Dr. Kevin Snyder hosted a complimentary webinar titled, "3 Tips to Help YOU Launch into Professional Speaking."

The webinar focused on three tips Kevin has learned about professional speaking through his 20+ year speaking career. He acknowledged there are hundreds of tips but these 3 might be some of the most helpful to equip speakers at various levels of experience to find PAID speaking engagements in keynotes, workshops and training opportunities. Kevin also answered questions from the audience live and encouraged them that earning PAID speaking opportunities was something they could accomplish full-time, part-time or to supplement their current work.

100% of attendees found the webinar extremely valuable, actionable, inspiring and engaging. As one respondent shared, "Amazing insights on becoming a professional speaker, packed with steps that are immediately actionable and encouraging!"

Below is a recap of the 3 tips Kevin outlined during the webinar:

Tip 1: The presentation is the product of a speaking business, not the speaker

The presentation is most important because it's the product. Nothing else matters if a keynote speech or training program first needs work. A speech is the #1 marketing tool for speakers and, when properly prepared, the speech should always generate more speaking referrals. The key components of a great speech are outlined in Module 1 and 2 of Kevin's book, PAID to $PEAK. Speakers should start with designing a presentation that shares expertise helping audiences solve a problem. The delivery should be engaging to create an audience experience that differentiates the speaker. There must also be a relevant Call to Action so the audience knows how to apply that content. These are factors where most speakers fall short.

Tip 2: Successful speakers must have processes in place for organization and efficiency

Systems and processes do not need to be complicated or expensive and they should help ensure speakers earn consistent PAID speaking engagements. Kevin outlined and showed examples from some of the systems and processes he uses in his own speaking business. Those include checklists, speech preparation questionnaire, 3 options he offers clients on his Speaker Packet, GoogleSheets versus CRM's for tracking purposes, Google Alerts, Gig Salad, Thumbtack, opt-in's on a website, knowing when/what to charge ... plus many more. Kevin concluded that, "we don't need to work harder; rather, we need better efficient systems."

Tip 3: Every time you speak, try something new

If you're not pushing yourself to grow in your speaking, you won't. Whether it's through content, delivery or something else, always be testing the waters on what works, what can work better and what to never do again! Most of what works for Kevin now and differentiates him professionally are things he pushed himself to try. Be intentionally uncomfortable and you'll likely want to do it again and better. However, do not test the waters unprepared with a paying audience. Instead, practice speech segments through Toastmasters clubs, such as a club Kevin is involved with called Speaking Professionally Toastmasters, local small groups and through your local chapter of the National Speakers Association.

Wrapping up the webinar, Kevin reminded the audience this book, PAID to $PEAK, is a resource providing a roadmap for them to follow that also includes templates, scripts and examples. He is a 1:1 resource to help as well.

"To fellow aspiring speakers, this webinar gave some great tools that you are currently not using!" "Fantastic value with relevant action steps!"

I recently became involved with the Foundation of HOPE, a non-profit that raises millions of dollars to support research on mental health through the UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Psychiatry.

As I write and talk about often, I struggled with depression and an eating disorder as a teenager. My recovery led me to what I do today. The same year I started getting treatment as a teen was the same year the Walk for Hope started. I also recently learned that the counselor who helped me as a teenager is involved with UNC-Chapel Hill. No coincidence.

Each year, thousands of participants come together at the Angus Barn in Raleigh to walk a 5K route to show solidarity for family, friends, and community members living with a mental illness - called the Walk for Hope.

I've created a team, Snyder's ChangeMakers, to help raise funds and awareness.

** Simply make a donation of any amount to support the cause and we'll send you the "3 Tips" webinar recording + slide deck.

After you donate, just send an email to with the subject line "HOPE." This way we can filter for all donations and send an email your way.

Consider joining my team as well. Let's make a ripple to support mental health, reduce stigma and support research. Walk with me, virtually or in-person.

Even if you don't want the recording, I'd be extremely grateful for your continued support for this amazing cause. None of us are alone. Many need help and hope.

Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!


Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?

Not getting PAID speaking engagements?

I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!

If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.



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