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3 deliverables meeting planners expect

Every speaker tip I write is inspired by a recent occurrence in my own speaking business.

Some tips originate from great experiences and some are what I call "teachable moments" that I hope never occur again. And after nearly 20 years of speaking, and full-time speaking for the past 7 years, I've learned a lot about what TO DO and what NOT TO DO!

I just got off the phone with one of the largest retailers in the United States about being the keynote speaker for their upcoming national conference. By the end of the 20 minute phone call, they asked me to send them a speaking agreement.

(By the way, I still follow a phone script on prospective calls because it works. My script ensures I ask all the right questions and make them feel confident I am the right speaker fit for their event. You can find my phone script template inside your copy of PAID to $PEAK.)

One of the most helpful questions I ask during each phone call is for them to share 3 specific deliverables of my speech.

What this executive recently shared with me is similar to what I hear over and over from other meeting planners and executives. And although I've heard it 100+ times before, it's the first time I'm sharing it with you.

So what 3 specific objectives do meeting planners and executives expect most from speakers?

1. Relevant Content

The only way to be relevant is to know your audience and do the necessary homework in advance to customize your content. Speakers must understand how to craft their content so it helps the audience solve problems they face in their specific industry on a daily basis. If a speaker doesn’t truly understand their audience and/or industry issues, then it will show pretty quickly in their presentation. As a result, the audience will wonder, “So what?”

I tailor my customization questionnaire (included in PAID to $PEAK) for every speech to ensure I craft it to be relevant for the audience and industry I am speaking. I’ve heard other speakers brag about not customizing, and usually a year later I hear them complain about their speaking business suffering. #Shocker

One of my goals for every presentation is for audience members to think to themselves, “How did Kevin know that? Does Kevin work for us?” If I achieve that, which I aspire to do, then I’m hitting a home run during the speech and spin-off speaking inquiries will follow.

2. Engaging

Most speakers think they are engaging but they are not. And no matter how relevant you think your speech content is, if it’s not immediately interactive with an audience, you will lose them. They will be checking their phones and email within minutes of your speech opening. It’s crucial for every speech to be designed so that it creates a “heartbeat” and is appealing to different personality styles at different times.

This is why I created my “Speaker Storyboard” so that I can craft my speech to ensure it engages an audience on all levels. FYI - for those of you who have my book, the “Speaker Storyboard” is in Module 2.

3. Actionable Content.

What will audiences do as a result of listening to your speech? How will what you share immediately help and support them in their daily work? If they aren’t inspired to take action onsite with your speech content, they won’t be later. So as a professional speaker, you must clearly outline a presentation with not only specific takeaways but also specific actionable items the audience can apply. By successfully doing so, you will be remembered, your meeting planner will be recommending you to other meeting planners, and you will be hired again in the future.

Relevant. Engaging. Actionable.

I hope these 3 simple-yet-not-so-simple expectations from meeting planners will help you craft your next speech. There are several more, but these are the most common I hear from planners and executives who are booking me for high stakes presentations at the 4-figure and 5-figure level.

If you’re serious about building your speaking business and are ready to be relevant, engaging, and take action, click here to schedule a complimentary “Discovery Call” with me to talk about your speaking. I’m happy to share a few tips, answer your questions, and explore how I can help you consistently earn paid speaking engagements.

If you want to speak professionally, then my best advice for you is to speak with someone who is already doing it. Don't flounder like I did when I first started speaking. Ask for help. I'm offering mine to you.

You don’t need to quit your day job to speak professionally, but imagine if you could. I did, and I’ve never looked back.

So quit talking about being a speaker and contact me (click here) to talk about building your speaking business where planners call you.


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!


Social media: @ KevinCSnyder

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