7 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

I'm honored we have been connected this year and hope I've been able to support you in achieving your speaking goals.
Wishing you Peace, Joy ... and Relaxation this holiday!

Because this holiday is already different and will likely further throw us a curveball or three, I was inspired to write 7 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress.
I've compiled easy-to-apply tips and strategies to maximize your peace, joy and relaxation this time of year.

For kids this holiday, it's important they have some sort of normalcy in a world that just isn't normal right now. Even if your children are grown and have kids of their own, you can help provide the stable rock and perspective they need right now. Forward this onto them. But especially for families with a sick child in the hospital, this holiday will be the toughest. This is why my wife and I have been supporting the Ronald McDonald House(RMH) which provides a home away from home for families who travel for the dire medical care of their child. The Ronald McDonald House(RMH) helps reduces stress and financial burden for families. Children whose families stay at RMH are the sickest, traveled the farthest distances, and spent the longest time in the hospital. The House helps parents focus on the health of their child, rather than time and money spent on finding hotels, cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking meals. Please, please watch this very short video my wife and I made for you and consider making a difference to help the Ronald McDonald House this year, a year where we should all be grateful for the health we do have.
See below the video for a few special incentives to support RMH -- my gratitude in advance.
For donating a toy to RMH from their Amazon Wish List (click here) or or make a small donation contribution to the Foundation as little as $5, you will receive: * a personalized video message from Santa (for you or someone else!) * FREE 10-day trial of PAID Event Calendar * AND for every donation my wife and I will also make an additional donation in your honor Simply send an email to my team at Kevin@KevinCSnyder.com after your donation and we'll reply to confirm your incentives! Friends, let’s end a defining year on a positive note, plant new seeds for amazing growth in 2021 and support an awesome cause - the Ronald McDonald House. Special thanks to the RACH Kid’s Toy Store and The Rachel Kendall Team Family Foundation who have organized this opportunity we’re supporting.
