#1 Recommendation for Speakers at Any Level to Launch and Grow their Speaking Business
I wanted to take a minute to show evidence and share what I feel is the #1 most important action serious speakers should be taking to build, launch, and/or grow their speaking business. Regardless of where you are in your speaking, do this and you'll grow.
No gimmicks. No abstract recommendations. It’s relatively simple.
Yet interestingly, it’s what most struggling speakers do NOT do. They either do not hold themselves accountable to do it, or they do not understand how important it is ... or respectfully, they just don't do it well.
I can guarantee that if you do this the right way, you will likely set yourself apart from other speakers and earn the speaking engagement.
Ready for the #1 action step?

My #1 most important action serious speakers at any level should be taking to grow their speaking businesses is to submit “Call for Speakers” at conferences in verified target associations.
(a) Have you been submitting “Call for Speakers” announcements? (These are also commonly called "Call for Programs" or "RFP's") Have your proposals been getting accepted or rejected?
(b) Do you have a target industry?
(c) Do you know how to “verify” at least one premier association in that target industry that pays speakers?
I explain and walk you through how to do all of these throughout my book, PAID to $PEAK, and specifically in Module 3 and 4. I also provide supporting examples and even templates for you.
I am inspired to share this with you today for a specific reason though. I actually had another blog post I was nearly about to submit for you – “$peaker Talk interview with Marcey Rader!” - so stay tuned for that next post because Marcey is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
So here’s why I was inspired to write you about this today .,. this morning I received a keynote speaking inquiry at a national conference. This keynote inquiry came to me because several months ago I submitted a “Call for Speakers” proposal for breakout sessions. (See image below one more time)
Notice the date. Notice the text. Notice the subject title. Notice what's not written!

When I submitted, I “assumed” I would be considered for only unPAID breakout sessions (most are) and I was OK with that because I know how to monetize them (see Module 4!). Also, this association is a new association I want to get exposure into and it’s only a 5-hour-drive (no flight). I submitted 3 of my programs.
After submitting, I followed up with an email to the planning committee and included a link to my website, demo video and "One Page" in hopes of them seeing I'm future keynote speaker 'material' as well. (all this information is in Module 2 of my book)
I also took an extra 5 minutes and mailed the conference organizer and VP Programs an autographed print copy of my book, “Think Differently to Achieve Success.”
I hadn’t heard anything back since my submission (yes, frustrating!) until today’s email – look at the date above.
As you read, notice they are asking me about a keynote speaking opportunity rather than a breakout session. Why?
Because of what I submitted and how I followed up!
You can get a copy of what I submitted inside "The Vault." This way you see exactly what they received from me.
So now my next steps are going to be replying via email to get a bit more information. Then I will schedule a call with them and follow my “Phone Script” to the tee.
(Note: my “Phone Script” inside "The Vault" and in my book has a 98% success rate for getting the speaking engagements!)
After we speak, I will send them a proposal outlining 3 different options (Module 4) with pricing. After they select which option (conference planners usually select option 2), I’ll send them a contract for confirmation.
They will mail their signed contract back to me and include my required deposit.
#DONE. All because I took the time to submit a few “Call for Speakers” announcements. It took me maybe two hours to find it, research their conference and theme, and then tailor my submissions accordingly.
If you’re serious about earning PAID speaking engagements and are not submitting to speak at conferences, then my #1 recommendation for you is to follow my process in Module 3 of PAID to $PEAK. I lay it out for you.
If you have been submitting “Call for Speakers” announcements but keep getting “Thanks, but …” rejection replies, then we should speak. There is a reason for that and I could help diagnose why very quickly for you. One coaching call might be all you need. I have specific coaching call program designed for "Call for Speakers" announcements. Click here.
I pride myself in being a pretty darn good ‘car mechanic’ for speakers. I’ve been speaking full-time professionally for 8 years, overall for 20 years, hired dozens of speakers myself, and I’ve served on numerous conference planning committees where I selected speakers! I know what to look for and I know what they expect to see.
Conference planners, meeting professionals and executives usually select the right speaker but ruling out the other speakers!
Below are several very important tips to consider as you submit Call for Programs at conferences in your verified target association:
(1) Make sure you understand how to “verify” your target audience and association so you know it pays speakers for keynote speaking opportunities. Don't go down a rabbit hole that can never afford to pay you. I can help you do this well and avoid the frustration and time waste. Also, see Module 3.
(2) What will you need to submit? See Module 2 in PAID to $PEAK for basic requirements. Some conferences could ask for more. Each conference is unique. One size does not fit all. If you don’t have Module 2 basics, unfortunately, you won’t have the minim pre-req’s and will never be considered. If you're serious about speaking, complete Module 2.
(3) When you submit, don't just submit ONE program. Submit 2-3 minimum. Give them a small menu. No more than FOUR.
(4) Let me help you. I would be happy to talk through this process with you and review your "Call for Programs" submission BEFORE you submit it ... this will help ensure it gets selected. I'll give you feedback from a conference organizer and meeting planner perspective. Click here to reach out.
(5) If you join "The Vault", you can go behind-the-scenes with me on future phone calls (like in the screenshot example) to follow my "phone script" (Module 4 / 5) and hear how I speak with a prospect to get the speaking engagement. I do things a bit differently ... and it works. Coaching clients always say that behind-the-scenes is one of the most valuable aspects of my coaching programs. By the time our conversation is over, the "prospective client" will be asking me for either a proposal or a contract.
** For more information on "The Vault" and getting access to go behind-the-scenes, click here: https://www.paidtospeak.biz/vault (I have a brand new video showing you what's inside "The Vault!") (6) Hopefully you saw that this conference is for September. meaning, they are already planning ahead for it despite covid-19 situation. Remember, associations make $$$ by hosting events. They want, and need, this event to go ON. Of course, it'll be postponed or canceled if it's not safe to host. (7) This is my 3rd keynote inquiry this week ... 2 inquiries for Fall and 1 for January 2021. I only share that to let you know the speaking industry is already picking back up! Are you feeling ready? Are you feeling focused? How can I help you??? Let's set up a complimentary call if you want to explore working with me 1:1 or have questions about "The Vault" or my "Speaker Mastermind Group."
The next 2 months are crucial if you are serious about truly launching your speaking to earn PAID speaking engagements. If you’re coachable and willing to work hard, you might be a good fit for one of my 1:1 coaching programs where I work with you directly. Click here to schedule your complimentary call with me personally, not someone on my "team" who doesn't even speak professionally. Respectfully, I was nearly sucked into a few of these when I first started speaking.
I do my best to work with budgets and customize a unique coaching program based on your needs that will return you massive speaking engagements.
If you want it as bad as I did (see Preface in my book), then you're a good fit. You can leave your day job to pursue your dream job of speaking if your passion matches your grit.
To Your Speaking Success!
~ Kevin