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50% OFF 2021 PAID to $PEAK Coaching Programs through Dec 31

When I wrote the first version of my book PAID to $PEAK back in 2015, I did not expect to launch into speaker coaching.

As I explain in the Preface, I actually wrote PAID to $PEAK to (1) save time from answering the same questions over and over from people who wanted to get into professional speaking and (2) provide a written process and roadmap for aspiring speakers to follow.

Once the book was published, instead of me meeting with someone 1:1 for coffee or lunch, I would tell them to simply read the book, finish it and then reach out to schedule a call to discuss their questions. (Note: this is why I still offer a FREE coaching call with all readers of the book. If you have a 2020 updated version of PAID to $PEAK and haven't spoken to me yet, click here to schedule your free session.)

But the book wasn't enough. To my surprise people started asking me for coaching to help them get their speaking business started. This is the genesis of how my speaker coaching began. I didn't seek it out. It was a calling that sought me. My whole life I have worked in education ... now I had the chance to do that with speakers.

At that time I had just gotten my own speaking business moving consistently and was 110% focused on professional speaking for myself.

I designed my very first coaching program in 2016 because someone asked me my coaching fee. (Note: this is how I got started in professional speaking as well!)

Since 2016, I've continually pushed myself to improve and grow my speaker coaching so that it can help streamline and accelerate success for other aspiring speakers. I have several 1:1 coaching options now as well as several specialty programs providing resources and tools that I use in my own speaking business.

Friends, knowing how to create and launch a speaking business is NOT easy. It is time intensive and the far majority of aspiring speakers quit before they really get started.

Respectfully, most speakers who want to get into professional speaking just don't make it ... for a wide variety of reasons.

I nearly quit on several occasions myself. It was my coach who helped me more than anything else.

So if you're just getting started and wondering if you can do this on your own, I would not recommend it. You probably have already been doing that and are ready for some results.

And just because you have worked through my book PAID to $PEAK, that does not mean speaking engagements will start magnetically coming your way. It's not what you know, it's what you apply.

Think about it ... whether someone wants to be a pilot, a teacher, a chef or an accountant, there is massive amounts of training and expertise needed to be really good ... at anything in life.

There's not an industry where training and education is not required to begin doing it.

So why treat building a speaking business any differently?

Speaking is one thing. Having a successful speaking business is completely another.

Most aspiring speakers watch an amazing speaker who makes it look easy in front of an audience. What they don't see or even realize is that the speaker crafted a speech over years that made it look that way. That speaker likely also had the business mindset to be hired for that speaking opportunity and had what was needed in order to get booked and paid.

95% of a successful speaking business goes on behind-the-scenes and you'll never see it...or know what it entails.

So look ... in short, if you're wanting to get different results in 2021 for your speaking, reach out to me to explore how we can work together. I'm scheduling new coaching clients in order right now and providing a ridiculous 50% OFF discount right now through December 31, 2020.

Our work begins in 2021. I'm simply giving you incentive to book it at 50% off now before Dec 31. Small deposit required.

I provide payments and also work in budgets with my speaker coaching clients, just like I do with my professional speeches. So if budget is the issue, we can customize something special for you. Take advantage of 50% OFF now though.

However, from my experience talking with speakers who say they want to take the next step, it's not really budget - even when they say it is. It's really about commitment to doing the work.

When I first started speaking, I was practically broke. I only had $22 on a debit card. I pulled finances out of my 401K to hire a coach. I wanted it more than anything else in my life. I wasn't successful because I was the best speaker. I was successful because I did the work.

One year later I made over $100,000 in speaking. I don't write that to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that a successful speaking business is really like planting a garden.

You have to know where to grow, what seeds to plant and how to cultivate in order to reap the benefits.

I offer complimentary consults to talk 1:1 with people who are tired and exhausted doing it on their own. They want to actually have guidance and learn a process that works so they can actually get paid to speak and accelerate the journey.

Click here to schedule a complimentary 1:1 session with me to discuss any of my 50% OFF coaching programs. No pressure. No commitment. Just a short conversation to explore what your goals are, where you're at in speaking and how you might like help from someone who's been there and still doing it full-time.

I can't work with everyone. Applications are required. First step is you initiating a session with me to discuss your speaking goals.

Click here to schedule your session prior to December 31 in order to take advantage of the 50% opportunity.

Please know that these are not free coaching calls. These are calls for serious speakers who want to take the next step by exploring either one of my coaching programs OR one of my specialty programs.

AND before you schedule your call, I want you know that I'm offering 50% discount on these coaching programs below:

* Private coaching program (10 session or 5 session options)

* Group coaching (PAID to $PEAK Academy - begins January)

* TEDx speaker coaching

* 1:1 coaching a la carte in 30 minute blocks

See this breakdown below of all the ridiculous value you receive in one of my actual coaching programs.

I will not be offering deals like this again in the near future ... so if budget is your concern, then reach out to me to discuss how we make budget work for you, whether that's taking items off if needed to lower the amount, a payment plan, both, etc.

If anything, schedule a 30 minute block with me for $60 to get your juices flowing.

We'll actually begin working together in 2021. You have until December 31 to book it though for a later date at the 50% OFF rate.

Also, all my coaching programs are with me, not someone on my "team" who I outsource you to.

What most other speaker coaches due is pass you off to someone else who follows a script and doesn't even speak professionally.

I speak professionally and want to help you do the same.

Click here to schedule a complimentary 1:1 session with me. No pressure. No commitment. Just a short conversation to explore what your goals are, where you're at in speaking and how you might like help from someone who's been there and still doing it full-time.

Please know that these are not free coaching calls. These are calls for serious speakers who want to take the next step by exploring either one of my coaching programs OR one of my specialty programs.

You can try to do it own your own... but you don't have to! Building a speaking business is one business where I'd work with someone who can help.

~ Kevin



Other PAID to SPEAK blog posts ... 
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