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Interested in speaking to college students? Here are some tips...

June marks my 10th year anniversary with CAMPUSPEAK, an amazing collegiate speakers agency.

I'm honored and humbled to have presented leadership programs to hundreds of colleges and universities all over the country. Below is a list of just some off those groups...

Before CAMPUSPEAK, I had already been speaking for several years though.

So do you need a speakers bureau to get started in your speaking?

Answer is NO. In fact, if you're not already speaking quasi-successfully, then the chances of any legitimate bureau picking you up and representing you are minimal.

"It's not impossible but very unlikely for a bureau or an agency to represent you if you cannot represent yourself."

Good news for you is that it's possible to represent yourself very well in the college market if you know where to look. I'm living proof.

My philosophy is the same for professional bureaus and agencies. If they are going to invest their time with you, they want to know you can speak...and they expect you will bring them business in speaking!

I'm represented by several bureaus and none of them just bring me business. I prime the pump for them constantly and I'm always investing time and energy with them to explore outreach campaigns and marketing approaches.

So my #1 tip for you - assuming you want to speak to college students - is that you must already be speaking before you can picked up and represented by a bureau.

Tip #2 is to know who your ideal college audience is. Meaning, what type of student - or student group - are you wanting to speak to and what target group is your program best suited for?

If you're not sure about either of these answers, schedule a complimentary coaching call with me to discuss. Click here to schedule a free 30 minute call - this week only!

I also have written an entire section in my book, PAID to SPEAK, that outlines my approach in knowing how to target student groups and how to find groups who pay speakers!

No other tips I provide will matter if you don't know what type of college audience is your focus.

And overall, whether it's colleges or professional groups, it's imperative for a speaker to have a focus on who their ideal audience is.

So who is your focus? What student group is your target audience?

Know this ... there are over 4,000 colleges and universities all over the country, and each have dozens of opportunities every semester to PAY SPEAKERS. You just have to know how to find those opportunities and who to reach out to.

Event organizers at colleges are ALWAYS looking for great speakers. How will they know about you though? And how are you different than 10 other speakers on the same topic?

My first keynote was a college keynote on June 2, 2000 at the University of South Florida. It was a painful keynote. I had no clue what I was doing. Luckily the students didn't "booo" me off stage...but I think they were close!

Since then though, I've presented to over 5oo colleges and universities and over 1,150 audiences total. Feel free to take a moment and review my collegiate programs on my CAMPUSPEAK website here. Then take a moment to compare those college keynotes against my professional keynotes here. You'll likely find interesting similarities ;)

Now, my corporate and professional clients are about 70% of my speaking business. I still love talking to college audiences.

I'm a former Dean of Students as well and I have worked in Student Affairs. So I know the background and structure of higher education. My Doctorate is in Educational Leadership.

Contact me if I can help you.

Again, I'm offering complimentary 30-minute coaching calls this week - June 2. If you'd like to talk about speaking and where to start in building a successful speaking business or keynote speech, click here to schedule your call!


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!


Social media: @ KevinCSnyder

* Download my free app (KevinCSnyder)



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