Want the GOOD NEWS first?
It's been a tough few months. Lots of rough waters and turbulent seas. Lots of speaking gigs canceled - for everyone.
Unfortunately, there's even more clouds ahead that we'll need to navigate around and through. We're all in this boat together. I'm here to help.
Anyone who tries to predict what Fall looks like - or even 2021 - is likely trying to sell you something. The only certainty right now is uncertainty.
But there is GOOD NEWS. In fact, there's LOT OF GOODS NEWS!
There are several incredible shorelines to chart a new course and I've been writing about this for the past 2 months.
(I've been on my boat a LOT lately --- can you tell?)
Regardless of where you are at in your speaking, there are new sails you should be putting out right now if you're committed to having a successful speaking business during and after this covid-19 hurricane.

I have been quietly observing and studying dozens of other speakers present virtually. I've invested hours upon hours watching "webinars" disguised as a "virtual keynotes." Even some of the best speakers have disappointed me because they set sail before they were actually ready to disembark.
Watching other speakers has always been a way I've crafted my own style - even from the very beginning of my speaking career. If you're not registering for and studying how other speakers are delivering their content - and sponging that content - you're missing out on staying current and keeping your saw sharp.
Even a BAD virtual presentation can teach you something -- even if it's what NOT to do.
Good News: Now that I'm confident in how I want to deliver my virtual presentations, I'll be making an announcement soon about virtual trainings for my regular leadership audiences as well as to YOU, my PAID to $PEAK audience. There will be a PAID to $PEAK virtual training series being announced next week!

Virtual is here to stay and onsite event shores are still far away ... finally embracing this reality, I modified my home office into a virtual studio for < $500! It was easy and I learned from Your Local Studio and by watching lots of other speakers.
Modifying a room in your home into a "stage" is relatively simple and inexpensive. Just be sure to get spouse permission before you move the piano :)
Good News: I'll be sharing with you what I purchased for my home studio in an upcoming blog. Don't reinvent the wheel unless you want to do it the hard and long way.
Want top-notch audio on your Zoom/virtual sessions that sounds like you're in a studio? KRISP (free) automatically removes any background noise before it even gets to your microphone or Airpods. It's an extra layer of protection and sound quality that will make you sound like a pro.

Between my beautiful daughter screaming and the city tearing apart my backyard to replace the sewer line, finding KRISP has been a gift. Most speakers have never heard of it.
Good News: Install Krisp (FREE). #Youarewelcome
I became a Certified Virtual Presenter; that's right, CVP baby! This was a value from eSpeakers. Check out eSpeakers here.

Being a Certified Virtual Presenter "credifies" me to bureaus, meeting planners, organizers and executives who are seeking speakers actually qualified to present virtual trainings and keynotes.
(See above for explanation - most speakers are not qualified, respectfully, yet they present virtually anyway and end up hurting their brand and business more than help.)
Good News: Join eSpeakers. Contact me for help. There is a badge of approval that will differentiate you. But caveat is #2 and #3 above!
The past 2 months I have been quietly competing in the Toastmasters International Speech Contest - also known as the World Championship of Public Speaking. This Saturday, May 16 at 9:00am EST is our District contest where I will be competing.
It's a FREE contest where 8-10 of the best speakers in our District 37 put it all on the line. One winner is decided by a panel of judges and that winner advances to the Regional Contest. The winner(s) of that round advances to the World Championship.

Sshhhh ... don't tell the other contestants, but I've been practicing 5-6 hours/day the past 2 weeks. I didn't work this hard to come in 2nd place! And most importantly, the more I advance, the more I can positively impact audiences through my speech! I've never invested more time in a speech until this year.
Good News: Click here to register (it's FREE) for this Saturday's contest - 9:00am EST. I'd love for you to watch and then let me know what you thought of my presentation - win or lose. Our May Speaker Coaching Group Program is off and running!
I'm still accepting applications for our June program which kicks off June 8th.

If you're committed to being successful in speaking and aren't having engagements coming through right now, I'd encourage you consider looking into the program I'm offering.
Good News: Click here for more details and to apply. Option 1 starts at just $349!
My book, PAID to $PEAK, is now an Audiobook!

When I revised the book earlier this year and re-released it, it instantly became a #1 Amazon New Release.
If you're an audiobook listener, you can listen to my blueprint for helping you grow a successful speaking business.
Good News:
We'll get through this. To Your Speaking Success,
