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How I landed $42,500 in speaking fees this week alone!

It's been a good week .... in fact, it's been freakin' awesome. And I 'earned' a few reminders about speaking that I want to share with you in hopes it helps equip and inspire you as well. I landed $42,500 in speaking fees from 4 different events ... and ALL of them came from referral. Below I'm explaining where each one came from, how much I'm getting PAID, who the audience is and what type of speech I'm doing for them. None of these 4 engagements came from my own outreach. All 4 came from referrals which I call 'IN-REACH' and it's the essence of Module 4 inside PAID to $PEAK. STOP investing so much time in outreach that doesn't work! It's been a great week for a variety of reasons:

  • daughter and I planted a sunflower garden in our backyard

  • bought 3 ducks for our koi pond

  • chartered my Airbnb sailboat for a sunset cruise (yes, people pay $$ to Airbnb our sailboat overnight. It's turned into a floating rental property that clears $30,000 each year.)

  • rented out my Lotus on Turo which is similar to Airbnb but for cars

  • 3 trips to the neighborhood pool with family, and ...

  • landed $42,500 in speaking engagements!

I love my random background. What I love even more is that my lifestyle enables me to choose how I spend my time 'most' hours of the day ;)

I don't write that or about $42,500 of speaking fees in just 1 week to impress you; but rather, to impress upon you how possible PAID speaking is for you. Also, the $42,500 comes from only 4 different speaking contracts. Two of these events are in August, another in September and another in October ... not far away! I'm living proof that meeting planners, organizers and bureaus are seeking speakers for events just 1-2 months out! This is a trend I've heard other professional speakers agree with. So how did I land $42,500 of speaking fees in just week? Where did they come from? And how can you do the same? Keep reading and I'll briefly describe each one. I love the lifestyle that speaking provides. I not only love the experience presenting, but I also love helping people, the travel opportunities, the flexibility of my schedule, the ability to be my own boss, and the fact that speaking can be very lucrative. If you read the Preface in my book, PAID to $PEAK, then you already know how much I struggled when I first started. In the book I walked you through just a few of the challenges and pitfalls I had. I was working a full-time job and I viewed speaking as just a side passion project. I wasn't good at it and I rarely got paid. BUT I felt something inside that compelled me to keep doing it. I got better and better, and ultimately I was able to quit my day job to discover my true dream job of professional speaking and coaching speakers. If you are new(er) to speaking or aspiring to speak, I truly feel I am no different than you as it relates to the potential and possibility to develop a great speech and learn how to get PAID presenting it. If you already have some experience and are looking for ways to grow further, then PAID to $PEAK is my outline giving you a roadmap of how to accelerate to the next level. I show you how I did it so you can do it for yourself. Regardless of where you are at in your speaking and what your goals are, what's most important is having a system to follow and executing it. PAID to $PEAK is my system and you have access to it. When I hired my first speaking coach (again, see Preface on how to withdrew $$ from my 401K to afford it!), he showed me the way and guided me. I became aware there is a process for successful, PAID speaking. I just didn't know what it was at the time. What's your system? Is whatever you're doing working? If it's not working and you feel destined for more, then what you do about it makes the difference. ... so back to where did $42,500 in speaking fees come from this week? Again, none of them came from outreach. All 4 of the speeches came from referrals directly to me. I call this IN-REACH and it's the essence of Module 4 inside PAID to $PEAK. ** So if you're putting a LOT of time into cold calls, cold emails and expensive outreach strategies and 'lists,' STOP!! I wish you the best but you're gonna get tired. It's going to feel exhausting at times and you might even quit. The key for successful speakers is to have a great speech. In my experience, a great speech will always be referred. $42,500 this week is living proof. Designing a great speech is Module 2 inside PAID to $PEAK. If you'd like to know specifically where each one of 4 speaking engagements came from this week, how much I'm getting PAID, who the audience is and what type of speech I'm doing for them, se belowe I'm sharing it all in hopes I can help make the seemingly complex more simple for you. Enjoy ... and remember I'm here to help. Just reach out and let's explore how I can help you achieve your speaking goals and dreams. I'd also love to help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I've already made!

1. August event - $16,500 + travel (corporate audience) This speech is for a state conference and includes a 90 minute keynote, follow up virtual workshop, 250 books which are each customized inside the front cover of the book and a welcome video. Engagement originated from a FREE virtual speech I gave last year. Read my blog, "How to convert FREE speeches into a PAID speaking business," for 10 ways to earn $$$ speaking through pro bono speaking. 2. August event - $12,500 + travel (corporate audience) This speech is for a business of 100 employees and includes a 45 minute keynote + a training workshop, 100 books which are each customized inside the front cover of the book and a welcome video. Engagement originated from a referral from a different client I presented for earlier this year. Again, a great speech will be referred!

3. September event - $3,500 all inclusive (college audience) This speech is for a college campus and includes a 60 minute keynote. Engagement originated from my collegiate speaking bureau, CAMPUSPEAK. Do colleges pay speakers? You bet ... in fact, this is how I got started! Anyone who tells you colleges or K-12 schools don't pay speakers doesn't know what they are talking about! Colleges can pay ... and very well! I have an entire section about speaking to college students inside PAID to $PEAK.

4. October event - $12,500 + travel (corporate audience) This speech is for a business of 175 employees and includes a 90 minute keynote, 75 books which are each customized inside the front cover of the book and a welcome video. Engagement originated from another speaker who was not available on that date. The other speaker referred me! This speaker is a friend of mine and someone who I have referred to many times when I am not available or not the best fit.

The pie of speaking is large my friends! In Module 5 of PAID to $PEAK, I've dedicated an entire section on the importance of giving referrals. After each speech, I make recommendations to the client on other speakers they should consider for their next event. I then tell those speakers I made a referral for them. There's a LOT to unpack in each of these 4 examples. Lots of additional blogs and content I could write about explaining the options of my speaking fees (Module 4), how I leverage my books and sell them in a contract, how I customize my books, the difference in keynote length, difference between keynote / workshop and much more! Happy to discuss with you ... click here if you'd like to schedule a session with me.

Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!


Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?

Not getting PAID speaking engagements?

I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!

If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.



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