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Introducing the PAID Event Calendar!! 🔥

How different would 2021 be for your speaking business if you could… 1. Receive fresh, warm speaking and training leads every single month 2. Have confidence these leads hire speakers for their events and trainings The simple truth is that knowing who books speakers is pivotal for your speaking business success, whether you provide keynotes, trainings, consultations or all the above. This will solve the far majority of problems you’re likely to face in the new year.

One of the biggest challenges speakers have is finding speaking engagements that have budget to PAY SPEAKERS. I've already done the heavy lifting for you. The PAID Event Calendar is generated by a speakers bureau who has previously booked speakers for all types of events - human resources, associations, healthcare, banking, real estate, education, women's leadership, CEO groups, financial institutions, colleges, high schools, teachers, insurance, sales, government, construction and other various types of industry-specific groups. Speaking opportunities include keynotes, breakout sessions, training needs, emcee engagements, and more! I guarantee that this resource will introduce you to associations and industries you've never heard about before. You'll discover state associations and conferences that you can expand 49 times more!

For readers of my book, PAID to $PEAK, I offer a complimentary 1:1 Strategy Session once you complete the book. Click here to schedule your session if you have a copy of the book.

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