Join us for Speaking Professionally Toastmasters - monthly on the 1st Tuesday @ 12pm EST via
Most of what I've learned about speaking has been 'earned' the hard way. Teachable moments become lessons learned and earned.
The only mistake is the one you don't learn from.
If I didn't make so many mistakes, I wouldn't feel so compelled and passionate to share them in the spirit of helping others.
And while some mistakes were costly financial-wise, most were costly time-wise. Meaning, I invested a LOT of time on something that just didn't work out.
Something I've learned about speaking that I didn't understand starting out was the importance of community and being surrounded by other like-minded people with similar interests.
I am involved with many communities:
family community
neighborhood community
church community
sailing community
Airbnb community
motorcycle community
college community (alumni-buddies and friends)
and most definitely my speaker community.
As it relates to speaking, one of the resources I've gleaned the most wisdom, support and referrals from has been my speaker community:
Toastmasters International
my specific club, Speaking Professionally Toastmasters
National Speakers Association (NSA)
NSA Carolinas - the local chapter of NSA in my area
Speaker Mastermind Group(s) - I lead one and I'm involved with 2 others
... other speaker friends who speak and we keep in touch
If you desire to get PAID for speaking and are not in a community of other aspiring and emerging and seasoned speakers, I invite you to attend an upcoming Speaking Professionally Toastmasters meeting.
We started Speaking Professionally Toastmasters(SPT) because of the 17,000 Toastmasters clubs worldwide, there was not a club for professional speakers like SPT in existence.

We're a unique club and darn proud about it.
* If you're not a member of Toastmasters and want to speak professionally, we're the club for you.
** If you already are a member of Toastmasters and want to speak professionally, we're the club for you too!
Our club provides resources and community to help you develop your speech, practice your speech and then get group feedback to make it even better.
We also provide over $2,500 in professional speaking resources for our members!
In addition to practice opportunities with round robin group feedback, we also have an education segment with Q&A on a business aspect of professional speaking.
Every meeting you will learn and grow!
We meet virtually the 1st Tuesday of each month, have an additional Mastermind work session in between and also an active Facebook group.
Visit for details and how to request a guest invite.

Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?
Not getting PAID speaking engagements?
I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!
If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
