Onsite 'Speaker Tips' just as I am about to be introduced + video of Standing Ovation!
In this video, I'm just about to be introduced for my closing keynote at the Virginia Community College System's annual HIRE Conference.
Right after my closing keynote was a 15-minute awards ceremony and then they were headed on their way home. Whenever I am the closing keynote, I know "getting home" is on their mind - especially after a 3 day conference like this!
Just before being introduced, I thought I'd record a few 'Speaker Tips' for you that have greatly helped me onsite while presenting. I needed them for this venue!
During my keynote, the power went OUT as well ... this happened many years before and I suffered from it because I didn't know my presentation as well as I 'thought' I did. However this time, I finished my segment and then had them discuss a table topic question while I went to the AV table to assess what had happened. Within 5 minutes we were back up to speed and no one noticed a thing ... except the meeting planner who was impressed that the power going out didn't hinder me! (Already a repeat client!)
I am also including a short clip at the end where I'm humbled to receive a standing ovation from the audience ... truly honored they expressed receiving value from my presentation.
As speakers, we have to know what to request in order to be set UP for success. The opening keynote speaker before me apparently didn't ask for some of the things I did and, as a result, her speech suffered.
Watch these 'Speaker Tips' below:
Here's a recap:
* provide a checklist for your client that provides them with your needs (i.e. downstage monitor, computer hook up requirements, sound requirements, table, where to place the lectern, etc.) ... I've written about my checklist several times and included it --- see previous blogs here: https://www.paidtospeak.biz/blog
* specifically request a downstage monitor so you see your slides just like the audience. NEVER turn your back to the audience or sideways to see slides. Makes you look unprofessional. Downstage monitor is the easy solution and you can use your own laptop with an HDMI extension to do this whether or not they provide a monitor.
* bring your own clock --- END ON TIME! I use my phone to record every presentation from a tripod in the back of the room (i.e. these video clips!) so I don't have my phone to gauge time. I also do not wear a watch. So the clock is what works for me.
* request the lectern be moved back so you can walk in front of it as needed. Whoever is introducing you beforehand will need it likely to read your intro. Usually it's connected to the floor with cables and cannot be moved by the presenter. I was luck in this case that it was easily mobile.
* arrive EARLY and stay LATE! My presence the night before was 'noticed' and it benefitted me the next day as well!
Check out more 'Speaker Tips" blogs: https://www.paidtospeak.biz/blog
More info about the event: https://web.cvent.com/event/6ea980d6-cfd9-48b1-bfe4-d5be929d8963/summary
Here's a video from my Standing Ovation ... truly honored.
If you're not clear on specifically what steps to take next in your speaking, consider reading these below. Of course I'm here to help as well ... inquire about my 1:1 coaching program or some of the speaker resources I can provide for you.
Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!

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I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!
If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
