[Free Download] New "Speech Review Template"
How do you know if your speech is good enough?
Have a presentation coming up and wondering if you're really prepared?
Are you already speaking a bit but not getting referrals and repeat speaking business that can pay?
Hot off the laptop press, download my new "Speech Review Template!" This template will provide you with a professional tool that'll help ensure you get the constructive feedback needed on your speech.
No speech is perfect and it's a constant refinement process to continually craft. There's always room for improvement.
And if you've never used a rubric like my "Speech Review Template," then there's likely portions of your speech that could use a tune up. This new template will help you identify blind spots that only others can see.
I designed this new template to go alongside my "Speaker Storyboard" (Module 2 in PAID to $PEAK) that helps speakers outline their signature keynote presentations and breakout programs. I benchmarked it against dozens of other speech review checklists and even the Toastmasters World Champion Speech Contest judging guidelines.
What I hope you'll find is a thorough-yet-simplified way of receiving constructive feedback from others who are watching you speak. You don't fill this out - they do.
Only thing you need to fill out is the "Speaker Storyboard" to ensure your speech is crafted like a heartbeat.
Tip: DO NOT use my template with a live, paying audience. It'll be too late.
Tip: DO use it with your test audiences to glean feedback before a presentation that really counts for your speaking business. For those of you who have a copy of my book, I outline several recommended practice groups at the end of Module 2.
If you've been speaking a few times but not getting referrals and spin-off speaking inquiries that pay, then your speech needs a tune up. A great speech that has been crafted well will be memorable, talked about and referred.
Once you use the template, let me know what you think. Like I said, it's hot off the laptop press!
** If you're serious about building a speaking business that you can live off of, and getting PAID to live your dream of speaking and helping people in the audiences listening to you, I'm here to help. Click the image below to schedule a complimentary "Discovery Call" to talk about your goals. These are free calls.
Don't focus on where you are; rather, focus on where you want to be. And where you want to be next year is determined by what you do this year.
Meeting planners don't wait until January for January events - they are booking now if they haven't already!