Should speakers share their slide deck?
It makes no sense to me why any speaker would want to keep their presentation slide deck confidential and private. They just shared it publicly with hundreds - if not thousands - of people anyways, so what's the deal?
I get the fact they are worried someone might "steal" their content, but if that content is branded appropriately then it's only extra exposure for the speaker! There are far more PROS than CONS, so my speaker recommendation is to always share your presentation slide deck. Besides, it's exposure that a speaker would not have had otherwise.
Think about it ... if a speaker truly believes in their message, why not allow and encourage audiences to share their material and use it for good?
Here's my sample slide deck from one of my keynotes earlier this week.
And here's the FACEBOOK LIVE video of my keynote so you can follow along if you'd like.
And even more importantly, a speaker sharing their presentation slide deck is GOOD FOR BUSINESS!
A speaker should always offer to share their slide deck with an audience for these reasons below:
(1) Adds value to your speech
(mention you're sharing your slide deck with audiences during the speech and you'll hear appreciation gasps in the crowd! Plus, instead of copiously taking notes and taking pictures with their phone, they'll pay better attention to you -the speaker - if they know they'll receive the slide deck afterwards.)
(2) Adds value to the meeting planner who hired you - it makes them look good!
(they'll be impressed with you for doing so because other snotty speakers do not!)
(3) Adds value to your audience ... and if you had a good speech, you should have multiple spin-off bookings in that audience!
(audiences appreciate a sincere and transparent speaker)
(4) Builds your social media connections and visits to your website
(link your slide deck to your website where there's an opt-in ... see below for samples!)
(5) Provides an easy system for building your list to stay in touch
(Audiences will never need a speaker the same day they see you speak. So how will you be remembered 6 months later when they do need a speaker? If you've kept in touch with them, then you'll be on their mind. See below how I do this.)
(6) Positions you as a giver ... which makes you more "likeable" and appreciated
(audiences appreciate givers and they are more likely to "give" you their email address in exchange for getting your presentation slide deck)
(7) Serves as great additional exposure for your products or training materials
(link people to your website or to Amazon for products such as books or training materials)
(8) Because it's just common sense business
(again, FAR more PROS than CONS!)
To demonstrate how this works, I'm sharing with you how I "share" my slide deck with each audience. I also include a "Facebook Live" video recording link.

I do know speakers who seemingly brag about not agreeing to be video'd or photographed.
In fact, I was just speaking at a conference where the opening keynote asked the photographer and videographer to be outside of the room during their keynote! I immediately thought to myself, "What a PR*CK!!"
I was the lunch keynote speaker just a few hours later at that same conference. I invited and encouraged the videographer and photographer back into the room. All I asked them for was a copy of any photos and video. (note: I always carry two(2) external hard drives with me to a speech for this exact reason. I left that afternoon with 4K video footage ($1,750 retail) and $500 (retail) in photo.)
The meeting planner also pulled me aside to tell me how much they appreciated my "generosity" to the audience.
Since this keynote, I also have an additional 241 subscribers to my newsletter via my website opt-in.
... and from my LinkedIn post (above), someone watching my video has already inquired with me about speaking for their organization. That totals 6 inquiries in just one week.
So was it worth it for agreeing to be video'd and photographed? Was it worth it to share my presentation slide deck?

Desire to become a professional speaker?
Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?
In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!
Social media: @ KevinCSnyder
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