small things make a BIG difference: TED, TEDx, TedX, Tedex and TEDex!
Majority of the time when people write me about TEDx, they spell it incorrectly.
Not a big deal with me, but it would likely cost them a TEDx speaking opportunity if they were writing a TEDx event organizer.
So if you're hungry to speak on the big red dot, i.e. TEDx stage, TEDx 101 is knowing the difference between TED, TEDx, TedX, Tedex and TEDex.
TEDx organizers expect you to know the difference and it IS a big deal to them.

So what's the difference between TED, TEDx, TedX, Tedex and TEDex? Let's start backwards:
1) TEDex
Just TEDx spelled incorrectly! It has no meaning other than the person spelling TEDx incorrectly. Some people also type TED ex which is incorrect.
2) Tedex
Also TEDx spelled incorrectly. Some people also type Ted ex which is incorrect.
3) TedX
Again, TEDx spelled incorrectly. Some people also type Ted X which is incorrect!
4) TEDx Correct! These are your independently organized community events such as TEDxOrlando, TEDxHouston, TEDxCharlotte, etc.--- just insert most any city and it's likely they have a TEDx event or one very close by! (note: It's TEDx, not TED x (with a space).
ALSO IMPORTANT: There is no space in between the TEDx and it's city/school who is organizing it. For example, TEDxRichmond, TEDxBoston, TEDxChicago. So do not add a space in between.

My experience with the TED organization is through TEDx. I just presented my 2nd TEDx talk last year, was Curator for TEDx Raleigh a few moons ago, have been hired as a Speaker Coach for several TEDx events and coached dozens of TEDx speakers 1:1 over the years. My TEDx talk last year has already gifted me with:
eleven (11) PAID keynotes this year
a new book - PURE Vulnerability
a new keynote on wellness titled PURE Vulnerability
there's not a day that goes by where I don't receive an email or comment from someone thanking me for sharing my story and helping them in some way.
This is what I love not only about TEDx, but also professional speaking in general ... speakers get to help people.
If you've not yet watched my recent TEDx talk, I'd be honored if you did and consider sharing it with someone you feel my message could help.
5) TED TED Talks take place at the globally-known TED Conference. These speakers are invited because they either delivered a viral TEDx talk (Brene Brown) or their name precedes them in some way (Anthony Robbins, Malcom Gladwell, etc.) So likely if you want to get on the TED stage, you need to be a successful TEDx speaker first. Helping you get selected as a TEDx speaker is my focus. In fact, if you are truly committed to speaking at TEDx and enroll in my TEDx Intensive program, I guarantee your selection at a TEDx event! If you feel you have an "idea worth spreading," I know how to get you and your talk ready to get selected so others can experience your powerful story, message and purpose. *** My own coach (yes, I have a coach myself!) was shocked that my TEDx speaker coaching options did not require more investment. Specifically, he told me:
"Kevin, people aren't paying for your time. They are paying for your expertise. You're not an hourly coach, so increase your rates and get rid of hourly coaching. That's not going to help people as much as you think anyways. What people need is your full program. So work with those people who want it as much as you want it for them."
I'll be honest ... I'm not sure what I am going to do with my coaches recommendations. He is right but I also want to offer a price point that works with respectable budgets. I never got into speaking for the $$$ and I didn't get into coaching for the $$$ either. This is why my current TEDx training program (On Demand) is as inexpensive as it is.
So check out my TEDx training options here. If you need to schedule a brief 1:1 to discuss coaching options, you can do that as well here.
Speaking Professionally Toastmasters is how you practice your TEDx speech, get the feedback you need, and get it polished and ready ... we meet the first Tuesday of each month, virtually.
Click here to request an invitation.
Highlights from my newest 2024 blog posts below!
Whether you want to speak on the TEDx stage, learn how to find a few PAID speaking engagements on the side or learn how to actually build a consistent speaking business, below are several recent posts to guide you.
I write a new one each week and you can always find them on my "Speaker Tips" blog site here.
Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!

Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?
Not getting PAID speaking engagements?
I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!
If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
