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[Speakers Academy Invitation] NSA Carolinas has selected PAID to $PEAK - join me!

So thrilled to announce that Stan Phelps and I will be leading the upcoming NSA Carolinas Speakers Academy and my book PAID to $PEAK will be our guiding textbook!  If you don't already know, NSA Carolinas is the Carolinas chapter of the National Speakers Association.  So this is a BIG DEAL and even a greater opportunity for anyone - i.e. you -  who is serious about building a successful speaking business with constant PAID bookings. BONUS #1:  You do not have to be a member of NSA Carolinas to register. BONUS #2:  Since this is a virtual event, you do not even need to live in the Carolinas - this is a global event! BONUS #3:  Registration in the Academy includes a COMPLIMENTARY FULL YEAR OF NSA CAROLINAS MEMBERSHIP!   So folks, registering for the Academy is a no-brainer.  You receive a FREE YEAR of membership in NSA Carolinas ---  #YouAreWelcome  :) I normally charge $3,500 for a 5-session program like this.  But because this is NSA and a volunteer  'give back' from both Stan and I, you're able to take advantage of the Academy for just $165.  You'll be saving $3,335!   #InsaneValue

Now is actually an extraordinary time to work ON your speaking business so you can be busy IN your speaking business very soon.  Don't assume speakers aren't getting booked right now ... because they are.  If you want to speak but aren't getting booked as a PAID speaker, then wouldn't it make sense to learn why? More importantly, wouldn't it make sense to learn how? Stan and I will guide you through PAID to $PEAK to help you know what it takes to be a successful PAID speaker whether you want to speak part-time or full-time. The Academy program is ideal for aspiring speakers who are serious about applying what it takes to become a successful, PAID speaker.  Whether you're just starting out or are looking for proven strategies to grow your existing speaking business, Stan and I will outline a proven roadmap to help you reach your destination.   So how bad do you want it?  You'll never get a better deal and opportunity than this to learn from two different speakers a step-by-step process to help you launch and grow a successful speaking business.



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