State of the Speaking Industry Report
The State of the Speaking Industry Report aims to deeply understand what’s working in the speaking industry, what’s not, and where it's going.
It's the only report that goes as deeply into speaker business models, revenue streams, and growth strategies.
It’s completely anonymized and free, and each year, the report that gets produced is packed full of insights that help us as speakers understand and project how to improve in the next year.
Below you can read the survey from 2023 which is still extremely relevant!
If you haven’t already, please take the 2024 survey. It should only take 20 minutes and there’s a save and continue button should you want to pause at any point.
Once you’ve taken it, please share it with your communities and groups. The more responses NSA and SpeakerFlow receive, the more insightful the report becomes.
Responses are only being collected through April 15, 2024. The report should be released in early May.

Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?
Not getting PAID speaking engagements?
I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!
If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
