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[NEW TUTORIAL VIDEO] "How to setup a Home Virtual Studio"

One of the easiest ways to earn PAID speaking engagements right now is to have a professional virtual "space."

Whether or not it's a home studio doesn't matter as much as you having a dedicated (and professional appearing) space to speak.

The more professional your virtual space is, the more likely you'll be PAID to $PEAK. Interesting correlation hey?

It's nearly impossible to command virtual speaking fees between $3,500 - $7,500+ if you don't have a professional virtual set up.

The equipment doesn't have to cost you much money either - see below.

Any assumption that a virtual home studio is extremely expensive is wrong and frankly, it's holding you back. And as a business owner, that means your speaking business is being held back too.

So don't sit back and "ass"ume you cannot afford it, that you're not tech savvy or that you don't know how to set up a virtual space in your home.

"It's not about your IQ. It's about your I WILL." (click to tweet)

I'm living proof. I learned the hard way last year. And in my new tutorial video below, "How to Set Up a Virtual Studio," I'm showing you how.

This video took me 10+ hours to put together for you.

So what's it costing you NOT having a professional set up?

That next speech should more than pay for the entire studio that you'll have for years to come!

The person hiring the speaker (i.e. you) will expect professional delivery. Do you have a professional set up yet?

The meeting planner will not hire someone sitting in front of a bookshelf with crappy sound and lighting while trying to figure out screen share.

"Can you see my slides?" ... "Can you hear me now?"

#Ugh. A professional set up avoids all that!

And remember, one of the easiest ways to differentiate yourself as a professional speaker is to have a virtual space that appears professional. Correlation #2.

Most speakers still don't have a virtual space. This baffles me. Even successful speakers pre-covid are still complaining the pandemic crushed their speaking business.

NO. The pandemic did not crush their speaking business. Their own complacency did. They did not push themselves to evolve into a professional speaker who speaks virtually.

It's not too late for them ... for you. Today is a new day.

As I write in nearly every module of PAID to $PEAK, the people who select speakers chose "the one speaker" by ruling everyone else out.

So don't rule yourself out by not having a professional virtual set up. If other speakers have a virtual set up and you don't, then you'll very likely not get the business.

If you're not getting paid speaking engagements right now, not having a virtual space could be one reason why.

Unless you and I are speaking 1:1, I don't know what you're dealing with and how to help. I don't prescribe to the masses.

But I can certainly help you. If we speak 1:1, I can share my assessment on where your blind spots might be and explain why you aren't getting booked to speak.

Before I became a speaker, I hired a few dozen speakers myself and served on quite a few conference committees selecting speakers. Now that I speak professionally, I have experience knowing what works and what they are looking for.

So what is a professional set up? In one of my new tutorial videos (below), I walk you through my virtual space (i.e. home studio) and explain everything -- from backdrop to sound to lighting to camera and all the "glue" that connects it together seamlessly.

Friends, I logged my time to put together this video for you ... over 10 hours!! From content outline to slides to recording and editing, this 37 minute video was a 10+ hour investment.

I'm VERY passionate about helping speakers - especially those who are serious about speaking and pushing themselves to the next higher level. I have struggled so much over the years and I'm here to help you avoid what I've learned the hard way.

My 10+ hour investment is at your fingertips ... and you get to watch it for FREE. But will you? Hhmmmm .... :)

How bad do you want to speak right now?

How bad do you want to get PAID?

Setting up a virtual space can be done affordably which is why I put together my "Virtual Studio Equipment List" for you. It provides 3 different options based on your budget.

On a tight budget right now? I get that. Me three! That's why I itemized absolutely everything for you in my equipment list.

As I share with my audiences:

"There are 3 types of people; people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder, what just happened?"

And respectfully, wondering is still a choice. Choose wisely. Choose to make things happen by pushing yourself to invest in your future speaking business.

Your first PAID speaking engagement could, and should, pay for the entire studio. It did for me. And now I have it for years to come.

And if this doesn't motivate you to push yourself to take higher action, I'm not sure what can. I invest the time in my speaker coaching to help serious speakers help their audiences.

My new tutorial video (below) walks you through everything I've done in my virtual studio. Not only do I take you step-by-step in front of the camera, I take you behind-the-camera as well.

I'm sharing tips and strategies in this video I have never shared before. #YouAreWelcome

So click here to schedule a 1:1 coaching session with me. If I don't hear from you, I "ass"ume you got this. Congrats!!

So it you want to get PAID to $PEAK, set up your home virtual studio.

It's not a coincidence you're still reading this. You're ready to take it to the next level.

Have a clear plan how though? Can I help?

Don't struggle aimlessly like I did. Knowing what I know now, what took me nearly 2 months to figure out I could help you set up in 2 days.

Let's talk through the video above (and the next video below!).

Don't waste time and don't waste $$ on equipment you don't need. My "Virtual Studio Equipment List" outlines everything you see in my studio and it provides 3 different budget options!

My 2nd tutorial video below explains how I use the ATEM Mini Switcher providing multi-camera angle views, how I record, and much more!


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not earning PAID speaking engagements?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's helping you craft a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get PAID, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. I've written a #1 book, PAID to SPEAK, which outlines my successful business model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.

Other PAID to SPEAK blog posts ... 
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