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Do you have a big idea that's worth sharing? Learn how to become a TEDx speaker!

Do you have a big idea that's worth sharing? Or perhaps an experience that has provided you with a unique insight which can help others?

If you're passionate about sharing that "idea" then it's time you learn about how to speak on the TEDx stage.

The motto for TED talks is "ideas worth spreading" so it is the perfect opportunity for you to share your message with a global audience.

There are steps to becoming a TED or TEDx speaker though ... it takes work, focus and commitment.

If you're serious about speaking on the TEDx stage, then knowing what a TEDx speaker application looks like is key.

Click this link to download a sample application that I've based off current applications as well as when I was a TEDx organizer.

I've also coached dozens of speakers through the submission process to get selected as well as preparing for their upcoming TEDx talk!

To prepare the right way, whether for applying or for the speech itself, there are several important strategies to keep in mind.

Most TEDx events have a speaker submission process and having your application ready will help you stand OUT amongst the competition.

From my experience with numerous TEDx events, there will be hundreds of applications for a small handful of speaker slots. What will make you stand OUT?

My TEDx coaching clients have told me that having this basic application ready has helped them tremendously! Knowing what questions will be asked has also helped them think better about their "idea", why it is worth spreading and why them.

The questions you will be asked are not difficult to answer, but you have to know how to answer them properly in the eyes and mind of a TEDx committee.

Click here to purchase my TEDx speaker training video or set up a 1:1 coaching call to discuss your specific TEDx "idea!"

My experience with TEDx:

  • Spoke at one of the largest TEDx events in the country

  • Selected as Curator (lead organizer) for TEDxRaleigh

  • Served as a Speaker Coach for dozens of speakers

  • Served on Executive Board for several TEDx events

  • Helped dozens of aspiring TEDx speakers learn how to find and apply for TEDx events

If you can't tell, I'm pretty darn passionate about helping speakers spread their message ... speaking at TEDx is just one way of doing that.

But it's so competitive getting selected right now. This is how I can help you.

Your future TEDx speech should change your life. It did for me.

My TEDx speech also catapulted and accelerated my speaking business in ways I never expected. I hope, and expect, it will do the same for you.

Catch this ... there are over 2,000 TEDx events each year!

Most are extremely selective, so you have to know what you're doing and how to outreach properly.

Several years ago when I spoke at TEDx, I applied to 31 different TEDx events before I was finally selected.

Knowing what I know now, I can help you avoid the rejections and time investment I "learned from."

If you follow the process I will teach you to submit and prepare properly, I am confident you will get selected.

Speaking at TEDx will not only provide you with a platform to share your insights, but it will also be an incredible advantage if you desire to speak professionally at any level.


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not earning PAID speaking engagements?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's helping you craft a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get PAID, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. I've written a #1 book, PAID to SPEAK, which outlines my successful business model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.



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