[UPDATED] Free download of virtual studio equipment list < less than $1,000 🔥
Having a professional virtual presence will easily differentiate you as a speaker.
Meeting planners, executives and conference organizers select their top speaker by ruling everyone else out. Setting up your virtual “space” is your low-hanging fruit opportunity to stand out immediately.
I’m still shocked most speakers have not evolved virtually.
My virtual studio PAID for itself immediately and yours should too. PLUS, all the equipment I purchased as well as my home office space became a tax deduction and legitimate business expense.
Purchase equipment from these exact website links I’m providing for you in this document; otherwise you risk buying incorrect model numbers or buying sub-par equipment that will need replacing just a few months from now. The last thing you want is the technology not working 1/2-way through your speech or 10 minutes before your virtual presentation. Don’t go cheap. It’ll show. Treat this like business.
If any equipment is no longer available, reach out to me for alternate recommendations.
Investing in virtual equipment is a long-term decision. The equipment you purchase will be put to good use for years.
Virtual isn’t going away anytime soon my friends. Even when in-person events and trainings come back, virtual will remain in some way for conferences, training and development. You’ll be ready.
Equipment is a tax-deductible business expense. Keep track of all your purchases so you can write them off as deductions. I do this by using a separate credit/debit card for all my speaking business expenses. If your home studio is inside your home, this space now becomes a tax deduction as well. Consult your CPA/tax advisor.
If you’d like my assistance consulting you virtually about your studio or helping you actually set up your studio, reach back out to me to discuss virtual studio consulting rates. Time is money and money is time. Invest your time and mental energy wisely!
For readers of my book, PAID to $PEAK, I offer a complimentary 1:1 Strategy Session once you complete the book. Click here to schedule your session if you have a copy of the book.