Virtual Studio Equipment List + Training Video!
Whether you are just starting out in speaking or you're looking to grow your speaking and find PAID speaking engagements, you must STAND UP if you want to STAND OUT as a virtual presenter.
Although IN-PERSON conferences and events where speakers are hired have returned, still a significant portion of events will be virtual.
Especially for keynote speakers, a meeting planner or bureau is going to look for VIRTUAL presenters if the event is virtual. Makes sense doesn't it?
So if you're not set up properly or don't know how to position yourself as a professional speaker who can speak virtually, you're not going to be considered. You'll be passed over. Decision makers for a virtual event are going to hire speakers who appear professional virtually.
So what's it costing you NOT having a proper virtual set up?
And what does a virtual set up even mean?
Every single PAID virtual speaking engagement I have booked has been a direct result of my virtual studio set up ... and I didn't know a thing about virtual studio equipment before covid hit us in 2020!
One reason I'm so passionate about helping others learn how to set up a virtual studio is because I learned the hard way. What I've done is simplified the equipment, set up and delivery process.
I don't write that to impress you ... rather, I write that to impress UPON you how important it is for serious speakers seeking to launch and/or grow their speaking business.
This is why I'm so passionate about sharing this information with you ... assuming you're serious about speaking, right?
Even if you have a minimal budget, there are easy, quick things you can do to elevate your virtual presence.
Friends, the speakers who do NOT have a professional presence just aren't going to get hired when compared to another speaker who does have a better looking set up.
I've updated my entire Virtual Studio Equipment list organized into 3 different budget options -- the first < $1,000!
This video is for all levels of tech savvy … whether you’re just starting out virtually or trying to up your game, learn how to design a professional looking virtual studio. And whether you speak professionally, coach, train, teach, work at a church, lead a team or work in sales, having a virtual studio will position you very well. I take you in front of the camera and behind the camera to show you everything!
This video outlines:
* backdrop
* lighting recommendations
* sound
* video (comparing USB webcam with professional camera!)
* how to get multi-camera angle views
* ... and much more!
I highly recommend you purchase the ATEM Mini switcher ... it's affordable and will be a game changer for your speaking business. Whether you already have it or are considering it, watch this video!
In this video:
* step-by-step how to use the ATEM Mini switcher
* how to record with the ATEM Mini switcher without going through Zoom
* comparing the Pro versus the Standard version
* power of the multi-view out & picture in picture feature
* what all the HDMI inputs and outputs look like
Have urgent or important questions and need a 1:1 answer?
Review my availability for a quick Zoom assessment or let's chat about my virtual studio coaching

Desire to become a professional speaker?
Not getting PAID speaking engagements yet?
In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My #1 book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers seeking to build a business in speaking. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation to explore how I can help. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
Social: @ KevinCSnyder