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Where to START? See inside for a FREE Module of my Online Course and what I'd do differently

Happy Tuesday! Since my daughter finally pottied in the toilet this morning, I'm celebrating. It's a big day ... literally :)

In the spirit of celebration, I'm gifting all of you with a complimentary Module of my PAID to $PEAK Online Course. I've never done this before. The Module I'm giving you is also the most important Module and one that answers most common questions I receive about landing (i.e. earning) PAID speaking engagements consistently.

... but first, you need to better understand some context so please read below if you're serious about professional speaking: Common question I receive: If I had to start all over again (from scratch), what would I do differently? My answer: I would do a LOT of things differently. Context: At the beginning of my speaking, I didn't know what I didn't know. Even things I did know I didn't do right. (that's a tongue twister) I made excuses. I made even more incorrect assumptions. I wallowed in self doubt. I kept myself busy feeling productive yet those "things" never produced any ROI. I felt scattered and overwhelmed. I nearly quit so many times. Inside the Preface of my PAID to $PEAK book and Online Course, I reveal the struggles, frustrations and failures experienced at the beginning of my speaking journey. If you have not gone through the Preface, well, I'd start there and have a cocktail or a coffee on hand with pen and paper. Personally I'd go with an extra dirty martini and side of olives. You can choose to make the same mistakes I did and nearly quit on several occasions OR you can choose to read my mistakes and pitfalls and how to avoid them. #YouAreWelcome 20 years and 1,500+ presentations later, what would I do differently if I was just starting out in speaking now? What would I do if I was you perhaps?

If I was new(er) into speaking, and desiring to land PAID for speaking engagements consistently as a side hustle or a business, what is most important? Where to start? Best thing I ever did was hire a speaker coach. And by speaker coach I don't mean a business coach. I also don't mean someone who coaches speakers from the sidelines yet doesn't speak professionally themselves. They don't know enough. Rather, by speaker coach I mean someone who speaks on stages and also coaches. You need someone who is already doing what you want to do and can show and guide you along the way while also providing the practical resources and templates you actually need. Someone you can shadow. Half of the speakers I coach come to me after having worked with another coach who didn't level up to expectations and hopes. The other half have never had a coach but finally recognize the essential value coaching provides.

Every successful musician has coach(es). Every successful athlete has coach(es). Every successful speaker I know has a coach themselves ... including me even now.

A coach without a coach is a fraud.

My first coach saved me countless hours of unnecessary work, saved me thousands from wasteful spending and helped me design and deliver the "product" of my speaking business ... my presentation. Your Question: Where to start? My Answer: Design, practice and polish a presentation that is proven to be ready for professional delivery. I walk you through how to do this throughout Module 2 of PAID to $PEAK, give you resources along the way, my techniques, my Speaker Storyboard process ... and I define what "proven presentation" actually means. My coach no longer coaches speakers; in fact, I coach his speakers now. I'd be happy to explore what coaching looks like with you. Click here to explore my coaching philosophy and options. So watch this Module below. It's the 2nd Module of a total of 5 Modules that comprise my PAID to $PEAK Online Course. And please remember:

"Nothing else matters in a speaking business if the speech needs work. The speech is the product of a speaking business. The speaker is just the messenger."

I wish I understood this much earlier. It would saved me so much time, money and frustration. Thanks Coach.

Speaking Professionally Toastmasters is how you practice your speech, get the feedback you need, and get it polished and ready ... our next meeting is Tuesday, February 7th. Click here to request an invitation.

Highlights from my newest 2023 blog posts below!

Whether you want to speak on the TEDx stage, learn how to find a few PAID speaking engagements on the side or learn how to actually build a consistent speaking business, below are several recent posts to guide you.

I write a new one each week and you can always find them on my "Speaker Tips" blog site here.

Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!


Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?

Not getting PAID speaking engagements?

I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!

If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.



Other PAID to SPEAK blog posts ... 
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