Desire to speak on the TED or TEDx stage?
Need help applying for TEDx events?
Been selected for TEDx but need help crafting your speech and delivering it?
Watch my short intro video!
Friends, welcome to my TEDx Speaker Training! 3 options for you to consider.
My experience with TEDx is as a speaker for several events, TEDx event organizer, Speaker Coach for several TEDx events and a Speaker Coach for dozens of TEDx speakers individually.
I believe in the mission of TED - ideas worth spreading. Just like a professional speech on a stage or in a training room, I believe in sharing content that makes people better.
I'm passionate about TED talks because watching various talks has helped me in so many ways - personally and professionally. I've been told my TEDx talks have done the same for others as well. Your future talk will be no different. You will change lives. I'm honored to be part of your TEDx speaking journey.
Whether you are just starting out to find TEDx speaking opportunities OR you are preparing for your upcoming talk, you are in the right spot!
Follow my guidance and there is no reason why you should not also be a TEDx speaker. You just gotta do the work. And if you're one of my 1:1 coaching clients, I GUARANTEE your success to be selected on that prestigious TEDx stage. View my TEDx and PAID to $PEAK coaching options below. I've spoken on the TEDx stage twice, been a major TEDx event organizer and worked with dozens of TEDx events and speakers. I'm honored to share my insights and experience with you.

Both my TEDx talks have not only helped launch my speaking business and book sales, but both have changed my life and my family. My most recent TEDx talk became a catalyst for a new book, PURE Vulnerability, that was published the same week as TED finally released my talk!
I'm excited for you to experience and achieve your goals personally and professionally as well.

So let's get into it!
Below you'll find access to my TEDx coaching options, training video and support resources which walks you through:
* the difference between TED and TEDx
* why TED's mission matters when applying and curating a a speech
* what ONE thing you need to get crystal clear about
* what TEDx event organizers are and are NOT looking for
* insights on how to find TEDx speaking opportunities
* tips when applying / how to apply ... and follow up!
* ... and more!
*** MY PROMISE ***
Enroll in my TEDx Intensive Program and I GUARANTEE your selection as a TEDx speaker! If not, I'll refund your money. I'm that confident in my TEDx coaching and resources provided to you.
Please note: Other than being a multi-TEDx speaker, former TEDx event organizer and a TEDx speaker coach, I have no affiliation with the TED organization. I am not compensated in any way by TED or any TEDx event. My training and coaching programs offer my insights through experiences with TEDx. My expectation is that you will feel inspired, equipped and confident about how to become a TEDx speaker AND prepare for your upcoming talk!

For all the right reasons, speaking on the TEDx stage should not only change your life, but it should also change the lives of many others hearing your message. How awesome is that?
... but do you know how to get selected for TEDx?
... what criteria are TEDx organizers looking for?
... do you submit an application or do they find you?
... are you applying but not getting selected?
... what is your "idea worth spreading?" Or how do you develop one?
... how should you prepare for a TEDx talk?
.... once your TEDx is published, how can you help make it go viral?
Above are just some of the questions I can help you with as your TEDx speaker coach!
*** MY PROMISE ***
Enroll in my TEDx Intensive Program and I GUARANTEE your selection as a TEDx speaker! If not, I'll refund your money. I'm that confident in my TEDx coaching and resources provided to you.
My TEDx expertise and 1:1 speaker coaching is available in 3 formats for you to consider:
Option 1: Online TEDx training course ($297)
This is an On Demand training video walking you through how to become a TEDx speaker. You will learn what TEDx organizers are looking for, how to prepare, how to find TEDx speaking engagements, how to apply and be found ... and much more! You will also receive (a) a sample TEDx application that prepares you for any TEDx submission, (b) TEDx tracking spreadsheet to stay organized and ensure you follow up properly, (c) sample outreach message to TEDx organizers and (d) a recent TEDx webinar where Kevin answered questions all things TEDx! Click here to purchase.
Caution: without this training, how much time and $$$ will you spend trying to figure it out your own? Ekkk! $297 for this type of training will ensure you achieve your TEDx speaking goals and launch your idea and yourself on the TED platform.
Option 2: TEDx Bundle Coaching Session ($697)
This includes two(2) private 1:1 coaching sessions with Kevin directly PLUS the Online TEDx training (option 1). Ideal for the committed future TEDx speaker! Click here to purchase.
Option 3: TEDx Intensive Program
This is Kevin's signature coaching program that GUARANTEES your selection and preparation as a TEDx speaker! Once you get selected, you will need help crafting your TEDx speech and preparing the right way. This program is ideal for the truly committed aspiring TEDx speaker who is serious about delivering an incredible talk and manifesting life and career-changing results! The program includes up to 10 coaching sessions, access to Kevin in between sessions, additional time in between sessions where I review your work and provide feedback, AND the Online TEDx training. To inquire about payment plans, email Kevin@KevinCSnyder.com. Click here for more information on the TEDx Intensive Program. ($7,500 - payment plans can be arranged)
** Note: for those with budget constraints, respectfully, the TEDx Intensive Program can be reduced from 10 sessions to 5 sessions; however, there is no GUARANTEE with this program or access to Kevin in between sessions or his review time in between sessions. ($2,450 - payment plans can be arranged). Click here to purchase.
If you have questions or would like to discuss which coaching option is the best for you, schedule a Strategy Session directly here, Please note: this is not a free coaching session; rather, it's a session to explore coaching. Your $100 discussion fee will be applied to your coaching program because we value commitment and your time as much as ours, respectfully.
My experience with TEDx:
* TEDx speaker at several events
* served as a Speaker Coach for numerous TEDx events
* coached dozens of speakers to learn how to find TEDx speaking opportunities and prepare their application!
* served as Lead Organizer (i.e. Curator) for TEDxRaleigh

My first TEDx video accelerated my speaking business several years ago. I still have meeting planners frequently tell me they've seen my TEDx speech.
You should not want to speak at TEDx for the sole purpose of credibility, exposure and receiving an ideal demo video, but these are certainly byproducts that will benefit your professional speaking.
As long as you are authentic about your "idea worth spreading" to share insights and perspective aligned with the mission of TED/TEDx, then I will offer my time and expertise to help you learn the TEDx process, find TEDx speaking opportunities, get selected as a TEDx speaker and even prepare your TEDx speech.
Even though there are over 2,000 TEDx events each year, speaking at TEDx is extremely selective!
If you follow my process to submit and prepare properly, I am confident your TEDx speech will springboard your speaking career.
Speaking at TEDx will not only provide you with a platform to share your insights, but it will also be an incredible advantage if you desire to speak professionally at any level.
I provide several 1:1 coaching options to help you. Click here for options and my schedule of availability.
You can also access my On Demand TEDx Speaker Training video, TEDx webinar answering questions, sample TEDx application, outreach sample AND a TEDx tracking spreadsheet!

I am passionate about helping speakers! When I first started speaking, I never asked for help. I viewed coaching as a sign of weakness. However, once I realized that asking for help and wisdom from others who have paved the way before is a sign of STRENGTH, my speaking catapulted into new heights! I simply had to let my ego go.
Beyond 1:1 and group coaching options, below are additional coaching services that will help you build your speaking business. Click images for more information on each program.
Don't have a professional DEMO VIDEO, SPEAKER PACKET, WEBSITE OR BOOK? Let me help.
My Ultimate Speaker Package provides it all for you.